Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Rye Whiskey Review

The Rye Whiskey Review

"We're the Ezine dedicated to all things barroom. We are slightly off what other's consider the norm and always the last to close the bar. If you prefer the local dive bar to the glitz of some overpriced club then you're our kind of people. So welcome grab a drink and enjoy."

"We are looking for all things barroom. Life's view from no matter if the glass is half full or half empty. We are pro drinking and there are no restrictions. For poetry send us up to four poems at a time. Fiction limit it to two writes previously published work is fine but we do prefer new work."

Submission info

Cheap Pop

Cheap Pop

"Cheap Pop is an online literary journal focusing on stories, 500 words or less, that pop—stories that, regardless of their short nature, stick with you. Stories that are unforgettable."

"While we started looking only for fiction, we soon realized that the line between fiction and nonfiction often blurs; we no longer differentiate between Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and anything in-between. (Please note, however, that we DO NOT ACCEPT POETRY.)"

Submission info

Pulp Modern Flash

Pulp Modern Flash

"A new flash fiction site for all pulp genres (crime/noir, horror, science fiction, fantasy, adventure, and western)"

"Stories should be 1000 words or less."

Submission info

Unlawful Acts

Unlawful Acts

"Unlawful Acts is a blog about crime fiction books filled with news and reviews. Over at Do Some Damage, Sam Belacqua said that Unlawful Acts is 'helping spread the word about other authors, and I give a shit about that.' Chris McGinley wrote, 'David Nemeth manages to cull from a host of publishers and online sites to deliver a truly comprehensive, and frequent, assessment of independent crime writing.'"

"Sometimes authors send us books, sometimes publishers, sometimes publicists. Other times we buy books or, heaven forbid, take them out of the library. We like books and we really like crime fiction books. No one tells us what to write, not even a suggestion, and we don’t make any money from this blog. As a matter of fact, our book addiction costs us money. So put that in your pipe and smoke it."

Contact info

The Five-Two

The Five-Two

"Crime poetry weekly"

"Submissions always open: Honest, powerful reactions to what you see as crime. 60 lines or fewer per poem. Open to any form or style, including free verse and prose poem. Open to any tone (dark, light, serious, humorous) that rings true.  The Five-Two's purpose is to bear witness to current and historical crime poetically, so the feeling behind the poem reaches countless readers, mirroring the tragic impact of any crime. With a new sense of this impact, may we go forward working peacefully to prevent crime.  Original, unpublished work only. No simultaneous submissions. No work that has appeared anywhere in print or online—including personal blogs, critique groups, message boards, and anything similar."

Submission info



"StoryHack is a modern fiction magazine in the style of the classic pulps. It features action and adventure stories in a variety of genres."

"To steal a joke, StoryHack Magazine publishes both kinds of fiction – action and adventure.  

"To be more clear, by action I mean that there should be characters actively engaged with an antagonist who represents imminent physical danger. Fistfights, car chases, vine swinging (alligators or spikes below), jungle insects, all that. But the protagonist must have an active role in the plot, rather than just having stuff happen at him/her.  

"By adventure, I mean the character does awesome things (is proactive) in a exotic (not mundane) situation. Heroics often enter in. The protagonist can be in a cool time period, a fantasy world, or have a bizarre profession, something about his/her situation should transport me, the reader, out of the mundane world. After reading, I should be able to say a main character 'had an adventure.'

"I’m open to any genre, as long as there’s action and adventure. And I’m serious when I say any genre. Space opera, spy thriller, sword & sorcery, lost world, high-seas swashbuckling, occult detective, treasure hunt / explorer, western, technothriller, you’re limited only by your imagination.

"Length-wise I’m looking for short stories and novelettes. 2,000 – 17,500 words."

Submission info



"CrimeReads is a culture website for people who believe suspense is the essence of storytelling, questions are as important as answers, and nothing beats the thrill of a good book. It’s a single, trusted source where readers can find the best writing from the worlds of crime, mystery, and thrillers—a literary culture that’s more robust than ever, but diffuse."

Shotgun Honey

Shotgun Honey

"Established in 2011, Shotgun Honey provides crime fiction lovers a regular diet of flash fiction. Living by the simple tenet of keeping it lean and mean, Shotgun Honey has published over 800 flash fiction stories from more than 400 authors from around the world."

"Stories all told within a mere 700 words. If you feel you have what it takes to beat our gauntlet of editors, submit your story today. We’re look something new and fresh, and we hope that it’ll come from you."

Submission info

Beat to a Pulp

Beat to a Pulp

"Offering stories in a variety of genres (from noir and hardboiled crime to Westerns, from science fiction to the undefinable), Beat to a Pulp is sure to have something for every pulp enthusiast."



" A blogazine of crime stories and occasional reviews"

"Tough is a crime fiction journal publishing short stories and self-contained novel excerpts of between 1500 words and 7500 words, and occasional book reviews and essays of 1500 words or fewer. We are particularly interested in stories with rural settings."

Submission info



"Switchblade is an outlaw fiction print anthology featuring authors writing in the hardboiled/noir genre, and nothing else. So think Richard Stark, Ross MacDonald, Jim Thompson, Don Winslow, Ken Bruen, James Ellroy, Lawrence Block, Iceberg Slim, Max Allan Collins, Christa Faust. (just to name a few) We don’t do cozies. We don’t do procedurals. We’re not a literary magazine, and we don’t do other genres. That said, we will consider noir/crime fiction ranging from the early twentieth century up to present day. Aside from that, we are a no limit hardboiled fiction journal—we publish the kind of stories no one else will consider."

"Our motto is quick and dirty: we're looking for short fiction: 2,000 to 4,500 words. We're also seeking flash fiction with a maximum of 1,000 words."

Submission info

Mystery Weekly Magazine

Mystery Weekly Magazine

"At the cutting edge of crime fiction, Mystery Weekly Magazine presents original short stories by the world’s best-known and emerging mystery writers. The stories we feature in our monthly issues span every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries. Evocative writing and a compelling story are the only certainty."

"Use the form below to send us your 2500-7500 word mystery. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but not multiple submissions; please send only your best available story. Submissions must be original works of short fiction that have never appeared online or in print in any form."

Submission info

Punk Noir Magazine

"The Only Crime Is Getting Caught"

"Punk Noir Magazine  is purportedly an online arts and entertainment magazine that looks at the world at its most askew, casting a bloodshot eye over films, music, television and more. There are interviews, reviews, news, poetry, fiction, micro fiction, and flash fiction.  And some other stuff too, I’m sure. Indeed, a veritable cornucopia of carryings on."
Send submissions to: paulbrazill@yahoo.co.uk

Over My Dead Body

 Over My Dead Body

"Over My Dead Body! The Mystery Magazine publishes a wide variety of mystery-related manuscripts, from cozy to hardboiled and everything in between."

"NONFICTION: We're looking for mystery-related author interviews/ profiles and articles. Mystery-related travel pieces will also be considered. (For example: travel article about the Reichenbach Falls of Sherlock Holmes fame.) 500+ words. 
FICTION: We want to see taut, absorbing, original work. Keep dialogue and narrative consistent with characterization (unless you're using the discrepancy as a plot point). Don't waste words, and don't ignore facts to facilitate your plot. Most importantly, if you're going to break the rules, do it well. 750-4,000 words.  We rarely publish stories over 4,000 words. If you submit a story longer than our stated requirements it will not be read."

Submission info

Pulp Modern

 Pulp Modern

"Pulp Modern is a fiction journal that publishes crime, fantasy, science fiction, horror, and westerns. Absolutely NO SUBJECT is taboo. Pulp Modern believes in true and absolute freedom of speech. Stories should be between 3500 and 5000 words. That word count is STRICTLY ENFORCED. At this time, there will be no serializations unless requested by the editor."

Submission info

Black Cat Mystery Magazine

Black Cat Mystery Magazine

"Black Cat Mystery Magazine is a (relatively) new publication, debuting in September 2017, which showcases short mystery fiction. These guidelines are designed to help writers craft stories for publication in Black Cat Mystery Magazine.  We want to feature stories by a mix of new and established authors."

Submission info

Close to the Bone

Close to the Bone

"We aim to bring you gritty and interesting short fiction across multiple genres from a range of talented writers. We are looking for bank robberies gone bad, double-crossing bastards going at it, serial killers with a heart (maybe literally), redemption and revenge. We like it thoughtful and well written. We will consider other genres such as western, science fiction and maybe fantasy, as long as they fit in with the grit theme we are looking for."

Submission info

Yellow Mama

Yellow Mama

"Cutting edge, hardboiled, horror, literary, noir, psychological/horror. Length: No more than 3,500 words.  Anything longer, please query first. Flash fiction (approximately 700 words) is cool. Poetry: up to three poems."

Submission info

The Dark City Mystery Magazine

The Dark City Mystery Magazine

"The Dark City Mystery Magazine is the product of a community of crime and mystery writers and fans who spend an inappropriate amount of time exploring the dark side of human nature as expressed by its criminal behavior. The magazine is produced by Dark City Books, a publisher of crime and mystery anthologies and collections."

"The Dark City is dedicated to the love of story, and in particular, the rough and tumble of the world of crime and violence. We are fans of story that has roots in reality but we do consider humorous situations and characters to be part of reality. We hope to acquire stories that leave readers thinking about the characters and their dilemma.
We are seeking stories in the range of 1000 to 7500 words.
We pay writers honorariums of $25 upon publication for first rights (electronic as well as physical) and archival rights (for back issues). Stories appear in the on-line version, in limited physical editions and in archived editions."

Submission info

Bristol Noir

"Bristol Noir is an independent e-zine specialising in crime and dark fiction full of dirty realism, founded by Bristol-based author, designer and artist John Bowie."
"Bristol Noir publishes crime noir and dark fiction full of dirty realism. If you’d like us to consider poetry, artwork, a short story, flash fiction, review (of a book, film, theatre or band) or an article for our e-zine page, please send a query in the first instance to:  john@bristolnoir.co.uk"

All Due Respect

All Due Respect

 "Lowlife Literature"

"Hard-as-nails crime fiction. About 1500-5000 words. No reprints. Pay is $25. Send an email to allduerespect@outlook.com with the story attached as a Word document. Please submit only one story per month.
Stories will appear in the monthly zine. As we will only have one story per month, there will be no repeat authors in the same year.
Stories will also be collected into an annual anthology to be published through Down & Out Books.
Simultaneous submissions are fine."

Submission info

Vautrin literary magazine

"Vautrin is a print-only literary journal that comes out a varying number of times a year.  The magazine is geared toward gritty urban fiction, crime/mystery fiction, satire, and symbolic inquiry.  Book reviews and essays should cover similar material.  Poetry will be considered if it fits the spirit of the magazine."

Submission info