Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Dark City Mystery Magazine

The Dark City Mystery Magazine

"The Dark City Mystery Magazine is the product of a community of crime and mystery writers and fans who spend an inappropriate amount of time exploring the dark side of human nature as expressed by its criminal behavior. The magazine is produced by Dark City Books, a publisher of crime and mystery anthologies and collections."

"The Dark City is dedicated to the love of story, and in particular, the rough and tumble of the world of crime and violence. We are fans of story that has roots in reality but we do consider humorous situations and characters to be part of reality. We hope to acquire stories that leave readers thinking about the characters and their dilemma.
We are seeking stories in the range of 1000 to 7500 words.
We pay writers honorariums of $25 upon publication for first rights (electronic as well as physical) and archival rights (for back issues). Stories appear in the on-line version, in limited physical editions and in archived editions."

Submission info

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